NAC Resources

Previous Events


  • NAC Taxonomy
    • Throughout the beginning of 2023, NAC members gathered to discuss strategic planning efforts as NAC enters its final year of funding from the Blue Shield of California Foundation’s Leveraging Collaboration to End Domestic Violence Initiative. The Population Health Innovation Lab (PHIL) team introduced the concept of taxonomy, which is the practice and science of categorization. A taxonomy can serve as an outline or blueprint for an organization or initiative. From the responses and feedback at the strategic planning meetings, a new NAC Taxonomy was developed.
  • PHIL Report: Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Screening in Rural Northern California: Exploring Provider Perspectives and Experiences
    • Communities across California are impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress, although regions are affected differently. This paper identifies key opportunities to support successful screening, referral, and treatment processes for ACEs in rural Northern California.
  • NAC Member Resource: Social Media Toolkit
    • The toolkit provides individuals and organizations messaging and graphics to share on social media aimed at raising awareness of ACEs, domestic violence, and NAC. This toolkit includes information and resources about ACEs and domestic violence generally, as well as region-specific. The long-term goal is to increase the general public’s understanding of domestic violence and the connection to ACEs, as well as to highlight the work of NAC and its partners. Increasing our engagement on social media will also allow us to better connect with NAC members and promote the work of members in the region.
  • Data: County-Level Data for the NAC Region
    • This website showcases county-level data specifically for the NAC region. Dive deeper into county-specific rates of domestic violence, poverty, ACEs, health conditions, and more.
  • NAC Partner Resources