Improving Population Health Through Multisector Collaboration: Brief Series

The Improving Population Health Through Multisector Collaboration brief series synthesizes lessons learned from PHIL’s Aligning Systems for Health research conducted from May 2020 – November 2022 in six parts.

Brief 1 “Improving Population Health Through Multisector Collaboration
Brief 1 focuses on how population health outcomes can be improved through multisector collaboration and introduces key concepts found throughout the series.

Brief 2 “Accountable Communities of/for Health: Transforming Health Systems through Dedicated Multisector Collaboration
Brief 2 explores one form of multisector collaboration that is used in the United States: Accountable Communities of/for Health (ACHs).

Brief 3 “Creating Positive Systems Change Through Multisector Collaboration
Brief 3 focuses on how to leverage collaboration dynamics to create positive systems change for improved equity.

Brief 4 “Advancing Equity with Multisector Collaboration
Brief 4 focuses on understanding how collaboration dynamics relate to advancing equity in communities.

Brief 5 “Building Multisector Collaboration for the Long-Term
Brief 5 focuses on how to sustain the work of multisector collaboratives through fair, inclusive, and equitable practices.

Brief 6 “Recommendations for Policymakers, Funders, and Practitioners Seeking to Improve Population Health Through Multisector Collaboration
Brief 6 focuses on recommendations for practitioners, funders, and policymakers seeking to improve population health outcomes through multisector collaboratives (MSCs) such as Accountable Communities of/for Health (ACHs).

PHIL designs, catalyzes, and accelerates innovative approaches that advance health, well-being, and equity. Brief contents are based on Aligning Systems for Health research conducted by PHIL’s Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning Innovations (MERLIN) team.

To learn more about PHIL’s research that informed this brief and the ACHs in California and Washington that contributed to this learning, visit our Methods Overview: Aligning Systems for Health with Accountable Communities of/for Health (ACHs).

Funding for this project has been made available through Aligning Systems for Health, led by the Georgia Health Policy Center with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. For more information, please contact

Brief 1

Brief 2

Brief 3

Brief 4

Brief 5

Brief 6