PHIL provides a wide array of services related to advancing health, well-being, and equity. We see innovation as a process: move fast, try new things, measure results, and find what works. We partner with funders, community-based organizations, government stakeholders, or directly with communities to co-create solutions that move beyond symptoms to address root-cause issues. Our team has deep expertise in population health.
Learn more about the services we offer:
Meeting Design and Facilitation
PHIL brings groups and communities together, virtually or in-person, to engage in meaningful conversations. Our team has expertise in teaching others the “Art of Hosting,” as well as designing and leading meetings for small and large groups.
PHIL offers a range of trainings and virtual courses. Many trainings and courses are available online for self-paced learning, or you can engage a member of the PHIL team who can ensure you meet your unique learning goals.
Bringing multisector collaboratives together to find ways to ensure the best health outcomes for their communities is at the heart of PHIL’s mission. We help gather groups across sectors and create spaces for meaningful exchanges of ideas.
PHIL provides technical assistance to help leaders make informed, strategic decisions. We guide you through initial planning to putting the findings from a community needs assessments, health system assessment, or program evaluation into practice.
PHIL provides research and evaluation services, tools, and resources in support of multisector collaboratives, Public Health Institute programs, and philanthropic organizations so that population health improvement efforts have the greatest impact.