Tools and Solutions (Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, and Sonoma)
View Best Practices and Layering Pain Points & Solutions for each step in the pre-contract, contract, and post-contract process.
Pre-Contracted Tools and Solutions
Step 1. What are Enhanced Care Management (ECM) & Community Supports (CS)?
1a. Self-Assess: Best Practice
1a. Self-Assess: Pain Points & Solutions
Should we contract?
- Provider Directory – Navigation Demo
- PHIL Support
- Partnership HealthPlan’s Provider Directory Instructions
Step 2. We’re exploring the contracting process.
2a. Estimate Costs: Best Practice
Before submitting interest statement to MCP, start to estimate cost and return on investment of program delivery.
CS Tool: Review the Non-Binding ILOS Pricing
2a. Estimate Costs: Pain Points & Solutions
Understanding VOI
- Medicaid Return on Investment
- Value case for complex care toolkit
- CS pricing guidance
- CalAim Billing and Invoicing
2b. Determine Pathway: Best Practice
Explore administrative and data collaboration opportunities in your local area.
2b. Determine Pathway: Pain Points & Solutions
Administrative Burden
- Talk with your local ACH and other local collaboratives.
- North Coast Opportunities
- Health Action Sonoma
- Continuum of Care
- Identify support in local County Health and Human Services Agencies
2c. Identify Resources Before Contracting: Best Practice
Contracting with MCP -> Funding Resources CITED, TAM, IPP, JUSTICE INVOLVED (County agencies).
Training and partnership resources: CPI, DHCS webinars, MCP trainings.
2c. Identify Resources Before Contracting: Pain Points & Solutions
Capacity Building & Contracting Knowledge
Funding Resources:
- TA Marketplace Explained
- Incentive Payment Program
- Justice Involved
- Data Exchange Framework
- County agencies (CoC)
- Consider all options for funding combined with payment.
Operational Resources:
Step 3. We have started to work on the contract!
3a. Become a “Provider”: Best Practice
Obtain a National Provider Identifier number (NPI).
Tool: National Provider Identifier Application
3a. Become a “Provider”: Pain Points & Solutions
Who do I contact?
Lake, Napa, Marin, Mendocino, Sonoma:
Lynn Scuri
Regional Director
(707) 863-4146
3b. Initiate Contract: Best Practice
Once NPI is received, express interest with Partnership by completing a readiness assessment.*
*Approval of assessment meets “in process of contracting with MCP” requirement for PATH CITED Grants.
3b. Initiate Contract: Pain Points & Solutions
Burdensome Process
NEW DHCS Policies to reduce burden
3c. Fill Gaps: Best Practice
Leverage funding resources to fill the deficiencies plans have identified.
3c. Fill Gaps: Pain Points & Solutions
Upfront Costs
Key Actions:
- Request an attestation to apply for funding during the contracting planning phase.
- Explore the TA Marketplace for custom support.
- Tips for the TAM-See TA Marketplace Links at bottom.
3d. Negotiate Rates & Contracts: Best Practice
Reference the initial self assessment your organization conducted.
3d. Negotiate Rates & Contracts: Pain Points & Solutions
Key Action:
- Negotiate a rate that will sustain programming.
- *Please note: Partnership uses uniform fee schedule for all providers
Step 4. We have a contract!
Learn the Landscape
Operation and Implementation:
- Understand the vision
- Learn the policies
- Learn from your peers
- Best Practices for Operations and Implementation challenges:
- Quality Improvement tools for case management
- Participate with your local Community Information Exchange, Accountable Communities for Health or other local cross-sector facilitator: Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, Sonoma
Financial Considerations:
Post-Contracted Tools and Solutions
Step 5. We are testing the service delivery and billing system.
5a. Member Referred: Pain Points & Solutions
Understanding Member Network
- PHC Referral Form
- Schedule a 1:1 with PHC Regional Managers: Lynn Scuri
5b. Outreach: Pain Points & Solutions
Creative Outreach Opportunities
MCP Referrals:
- PHC Referral Form
- Contact PHC for monthly referral files (from Issue Tracker)
Internal referrals and Outreach:
Participate with your local Community Information Exchange, Accountable Communities for Health or other local cross-sector facilitator.
- In-house outreach efforts:
- Get example from Arcata house.
- Utilize the Provider Portal to look up their members and see if they have an active TAR with another provider (from Issue Tracker)
- Having a relationship with Collective Medical and uploading files more frequently can help tell you if people are getting services from other providers – helps determine potential clients. (from Issue Tracker)
5c. Enrollment: Pain Points & Solutions
Engaging Your Client
Data Availability & Sharing
- Contact PHC for monthly report of ECM members.
- Partnership is working on enhancing the Collective Medical platform to allow providers to have direct visibility with ECM member enrollment information. Pending updates (from Issue Tracker)
- Review Internal referrals and Outreach
- TAR and Care Plan Policy Updates:
- As of July 2023-process was revised that care plan is not required with TAR.. (from Issue Tracker)
- Streamline your processes with help from the TA Marketplace
5d. Authorization: Pain Points & Solutions
Administration Challenges
- TAR and Care Plan Policy Updates:
- As of July 2023-process was revised that care plan is not required with TAR.. (from Issue Tracker)
- TAR cheat sheet,
- recorded training,
- COTS resource on eligibility and TARS Submission
Step 6. We are making it work but…
6a. Render Service: Pain Points & Solutions
Managing data with limited capacity
- Quality Improvement tools for case management
- Other tools for managing data or databases effectively, ETC.
- Identify cross-sector facilitators in your region
Care Coordination
- Identify cross-sector facilitators in your region
6b. Submit Claim: Pain Points & Solutions
Administration Challenges
- Contact the Claims ECM Helpdesk to schedule a training or talk about any claims or billing issues(from Issue Tracker)
- CSN- ECM & Community Supports Billing cheat sheet
- CalAIM Billing and Invoicing
- PHC recording
- PHC billing tips
- Ceres Project Reconciliation Process
- ECM Billing Codes and Rates