What are multisector collaboratives?

Multisector Collaboratives
Multisector collaboratives (MSCs) are formed when multiple organizations in various sectors, such as hospitals, schools, local government, and community-based organizations develop partnerships that “take a systems approach to their work, and are driven by a common goal and accountability to the communities they serve.” By drawing upon the expertise and resources of diverse sectors, MSCs can build the capacity to solve systemic problems more powerfully and effectively than stand-alone organizations.56

Learn more about MSCs in the PHIL brief, Improving Population Health Through Multisector Collaboration.”

Accountable Communities of/for Health
The Accountable Communities of/for Health (ACH) model is just one example of multisector collaboration. ACHs are community-based partnerships formed across a variety of sectors, such as health care, housing, social services, public health, employment training, and economic development that all share a vision and responsibility for the health of the community.57,58 Many ACHs also work across boundaries by serving multiple counties in a region or by partnering with sovereign tribal nations.

Learn more about ACHs in the PHIL brief, Accountable Communities of/for Health: Transforming Health Systems through Dedicated Multisector Collaboration.”

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