What is the ‘secret sauce’ for aligning sectors for improved population health?
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What is multisector collaboration?
What are multisector collaboratives?
What are the goals of multisector collaboratives?
What are collaboration dynamics?
How can multisector collaboration improve population health?
What is the ‘secret sauce’ for aligning sectors for improved population health?
PHIL’s Aligning Systems for Health research with ACHs revealed three vital things to do when aligning systems for improved population health. We call these three important things the ‘secret sauce’ for aligning sectors for improved population health. They include:

Learn more about the ‘secret sauce’ ingredients by watching the PHIL web discussion, “Secret Sauce for Aligning Sectors: Top 3 things to do when aligning systems for health”and the PHIL panel session, “Getting Real with the Experts: Community stories of aligning.”
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