

Skylar Hanson, DrPH, MPH 



Get to know Skylar:
Skylar joined PHIL in July 2022 as a PRACTICE Coach for the Preventing and Responding to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)-Associated Health Conditions and Toxic Stress in Clinics through Community Engagement (PRACTICE) grant. Skylar will be working directly with PRACTICE grantees across the state to assist them with technical support and guidance to implement systems change efforts to decrease the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress, increase services and new provider types, and create sustainable networks. When not at work, Skylar enjoys planning trips with friends and family, trying out new coffee shops to find the perfect chai latte, and keeping up with her mini Aussie-doodle Cosmo at the dog beach.

Skylar received both her Doctor of Public Health (2021) and Master of Public Health (2017) from Claremont Graduate University. Her dissertation focused on the early implementation of California’s ACEs Aware initiative during the COVID-19 pandemic. She interviewed a variety of stakeholders involved in ACEs screenings and community programming related to toxic stress to create recommendations and reflect on lessons learned for developing trauma-informed initiatives. Her last position as Program Manager for an ACEs Aware Network of Care Planning grant allowed her to work directly with clinics and community based organizations to strategize how they would develop an ACEs clinical workflow that could be connected to appropriate services in the community. She was a 2016-17 Public Health Fellow for the California Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities fellowship, a joint program with Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and the USC University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. She has also worked in diabetes education and prevention on a cross-sector team.

Public Health Policy, Program Implementation, Qualitative Research

English, Spanglish